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How Can I Meditate on the Word of God?

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Meditation of God’s Word is a very hard thing to do. However, it need not be so. It’s actually quite simple and pretty effective in bringing us close to God on the spiritual level. So, here’s a step-by-step guide on how easily to meditate on God’s Word. This method will help you find strength and peace in Scripture whether you have just started meditation or are an old believer.

What then is Meditation on God’s Word?

Now, biblically this means deep, careful thinking on Scripture. Uniquely, unlike what most worldly sense thereof, to the Christian, it means filling their mind with God’s Word and reflecting on His thoughts, letting God’s transformations work from within. Soaking into Scripture, having His voice speak into your heart.

Why should you meditate on God’s word?

The Bible is full of counsels and wisdom. Meditation in God’s Word helps in the following:

Let’s dig a little deeper into God: We learn about God’s character and will of God by meditating over His Word.

Rest and peace: The Bible brings an enlightenment that makes life in the chaos less complicated.

Strengthen one’s faith: Reading promises and other truths of the Bible strengthens someone’s faith in God. Psalm 1:2, “But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law, he meditates day and night.” The Bible encourages the believer to spend time regularly in thinking of God’s Word.

How to meditate on the Word of God?

Here’s a pretty simple, step-by-step guide on how you can start meditating on God’s Word:

1. Find a Quiet Place

Sit in a place where you will be the least disturbed, such as in a room in your house, park, or any other place you like. A quiet environment assists one to focus without having other things pull the attention.
But you, when you pray, enter your room, and shut the door, and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you. – Matthew 6:6

2. Choose a Scripture:

Choose a Bible verse or passage. It doesn’t have to be long. It might be as short as a single verse: John 3:16 or Psalm 23. Others prefer to meditate on a passage of their regular daily Bible-reading plan.

3. Read Slowly and Thoughtfully

Write your Bible verse on a paper take slow read of it, without rushing through and focusing at every word and phrase. Take time in understanding what the verse is saying. Read it several times so that you really understand its meaning.

4. Reflect on What You’ve Read

Of course, after reading, one should take a break and think about the verse. Ask yourself: What message does God have for me in this Scripture?
I’m going to dedicate this verse however appropriate it may be to my present day living.
Did I learn anything new about the character of God, or one of His promises in this lesson?
For example, if you are reading Philippians 4:6-7 reminds you not to be anxious and to trust in Him in prayer and think of places in your life where you must trust Him more.

5. Visualize and Memorize

It helps to think about feelings that you might experience while reading the verse, which might help make the verse oftentimes more personal. Just consider the scenarios where you are going to use this Scripture. If it’s about peace, try to put yourself in a stressful situation, but picture yourself as being at peace. Another option is to try to memorize this verse so that you can take it with you wherever you are during the day.

6. Pray Over the Scripture

Now using the words that you have meditated on pen down a prayer. Finally, say to God: Here I Bowen, please let me apply what I have learned and let me have more understanding. For example, if you meditated on James 1:5 Concerning prayer in decision making about right things you can pray for wisdom on your choice.

7. Listen to God

After the prayer allow the two of you spare some few minutes in silence. Meditation does not begin with speaking, but it also embraces the moments when we listen to what God could be saying to your heart. Just let His Word settle and listen to the Holy Spirit.

8. Journal Your Thoughts

As a part of your spiritual journey it is effective to maintain a journal. Record the hymn you focused on, the message you think God wanted you to receive and how you are going to live that message. Journaling can also help you to introspect where God has led you through the Word by considering your life.

9. Meditate Regularly

Meditating on God’s Word should be frequented as often as possible. Apart from discussions, spend some time daily or weekly on Scripture. Another similarity that can be made is the fact that any relationship excluding the one with God is improved by spending more time in it.

Simple Example of Meditation
Let’s say you want to meditate on Psalm 46:10: “It shall be quiet, and know that I am God.”

Find a quiet spot.
Read the verse aloud slowly.
Stop for a moment and consider what “Be still” means. What does it mean for you today? In what areas of your life do you have to be still?
What you should follow is the next part of Ezekiel’s message titled “Know that I am God”. Think about how omnipotent God is to deal with your situation.
On prayer, ask the Lord to grant you and your heart a peaceful and quiet time.
Reward of Meditaing on the Word of God
Spiritual Growth: When you are meditating you pray scriptures and the word of God in your heart which makes the Holy Spirit to transform you.
Deeper Knowledge of Scripture: The more time you spend in the Word the more you grasp what the Word says and how to apply it in your life.
Increased Peace: When you concentrate on the promises of God, it would minimize any chance of worrying and anxiety and instead offer you comfort beyond measure.


There is no mystery in thinking about the Word of God. It is all about taking time to be with Him, to listen to him through His word and to allow that word to transform your character. No matter how long you have believed, or even if you don’t believe at all, the physical act of meditating leads to feeling closer to God and having the ability to find comfort in your day to day. Try spending as little as 5 minutes in the morning reading a verse and watching it change the day!

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